Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

I am a girl. I don't smoke, drink, or party every weekend. I don’t sleep around or start drama to get attention. Yes we do still exist.

Look our out-fits ♥

last sunday, my causin and I just had a good time on my room,. well, at the first we got bored, we didn't know what to do to spend a lots of times, then my causin have a good Idea "take photo's" yeah! really good idea, and then we tried to mix and match what I have on my closet then "voila~ this is it!!! haha chek it out..*hem my causin are really gorgeous,anyway...

her mouctache!!!!lol`s

her lips*ROTFL


i've no idea

strange style, rite?

ミ(´┏ω┓`)/ moustache yuhuuu 


hat! it used to my dad's but, since I found that on our grace, it's mine =D

[w.a.c]really have no idea about this madafakka pict---*huhuignore~


*kiss*sista, love you so~

what do you think?


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Her eyes, her eyes....make the stars look like they're not shining*blushing* 

actually, theres a lots of picture left on my memory, but I just can upload it all, so enjoy, and byebye~

That mood where you just don’t feel like talking

It’s like you want to be left alone but at the same time you want someone’s attention. You don’t feel like putting effort into a conversation. Your mind is occupied with so much junk that you don’t even know what exactly it is that you’re thinking about. Yeah, that mood sucks

Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

what does it feel like to fall in love?

It’s not a feeling you can describe. It is totally different for everyone. For me it is trusting someone with your life and being faithful, honest and true to them. It is doing anything and everything to make that person happy and making sacrifices of yourself. It is believing in that person, compromise and conversation. When you look at them you fall in love all over again. You don’t care about what they look like, or anything. They aren’t only your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, but your best friend. You get physically ill at the thought of not being with them. It is a force that takes over you where you feel completely happy and fulfilled. It is an amazing feeling, but it can also ruin your life. Either way, it changes your life. For me, it is the greatest feeling that you can have.

I just love it

I love it when someone plays with my hair. I don’t know but I love it! I feel really relaxed when someone plays with my hair, it can also put me to sleep <3

scared to fall in love?

We have all been there, and the truth is, with every relationship we go through and every break-up we endure, we are also learning about how to be in a relationship. Sometimes we get involved with guys/girls who aren’t good for us, so we learn to avoid that type (well, eventually). Give other people a chance and let them in. If you continue being scared of falling in love again, you may not be able to find someone to replace the emptiness that’s in your heart. Dont be scared, because being in love is beautiful and you know it. Love is sour and sweet. There’s up and downs but you’re not alone, everyone goes through this time to time.