Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

100 Ways to annoy Lord Voldemort

1. Ask him why he 'doesn't have such a cool scar?'
2. Laugh at him.
3. Wake him up by singing Beach Boys songs in his ear. 'Round, round, get around, I get around...'
4. Knit him things. Really hideous things.
5. Give him kangaroo-ears for a month.
6. Smile during Death-Eater meetings and say you taught him everything he knows.
7. Chew bubblegum all the time. Should he address you, your only response will be a series of huge bubbles in quick succession, the last of which will burst everywhere and make a mess.
8. Dance the Funky Chicken.
9. Ask him when was the last time he took a bath.
10. Pat him on the head and give him flowers when his plans are foiled yet again.
11. If you ever need to say 'Like taking candy from a baby', be sure to add 'Of course, SOME of us might find that harder than others.' Stare pointedly at him.
12. Play 'knock-&-run' at his bedchamber door late at night.
13. Call him 'The-man-who-let-the-boy-live'
14. Ask why the Dark Mark couldn't look like something 'more socially acceptable?'
15. Insist that you have met chunks of cheese with more cunning plans than his.
16. Pinch him. Make sure he squeals.
17. Be cheerful.
18. When he tries to impress you with his powers say 'Awwwww, look it. Voldie's got a twiggle!'
19. Try to teach him to play a mouth organ.
20. Roll your eyes during plotting sessions and say things under your breath like 'You're the boss, boss' or 'It's your funeral.'
21. Greet him in the mornings with a sarcastic 'My sir, you look particularly menacing today.'
22. Taunt him about his middle name. 'Marvolo? What's that, a washing detergent?'
23. Keep a 'good-behavior chart'. Award points and give out gold stars.
24. Magic-marker Potter-style glasses on him while he sleeps.
25. Apparate into and out of his room rapidly. Do this non-stop for an hour. *poof* there *poof* gone *poof* there....
26. Play cards with him. Tell him he has no poker-face and how does he expect to rule supreme without one?
27. Let off party-poppers in his face whenever the urge strikes you.
28. 'Did you even HAVE a girlfriend? Like, ever?'
29. Get a pair of finger puppets closely resembling himself and Harry Potter. Re-enact all of Harry's victories over him in a spectacularly childish way. Be sure to give them both squeaky voices.
30. Anytime he enters any room, insist on entering first and announcing him grandly.
31. In these announcements, fake a trumpet noise and give him an equally fake drum roll.
32. Exclaim sarcastically 'You're breakin' my little heart here, o dark one' whenever he starts to talk of what has caused to become who he is.
33. Encourage him to 'think happy thoughts!'
34. Ask him to give you written summaries of his sinister plots for revenge and war. Correct his spelling.
35. Mock his choice of Quirrel as a 'host'.
36. Tell you think a yoga class could 'cure him of his wicked ways'
37. Get the song 'Mr. Tambourine Man' stuck in his head.
38. If he's having evil-plotter's-block in one of his scheming sessions 'Wingardium Leviosa' a light bulb to float above his head. Turn it on. Look offended when he gets angry and say you 'thought you were helping!'
39. Tell him constantly to stop repressing his anger.
40. Buy him a stress ball.
41. Hint that he is only a character in a book and will never triumph.
42. Call him Tommy-boy.
43. If you're feeling gutsy, call him Voldie-poo.
44. Whack him in the arm and say 'mosquito' - every few minutes.
45. Say he 'looked better under the turban'
46. Eat his pet snake. Offer him some.
47. Endeavor to teach him to steeple his fingers, lean back and say 'Eeeexcellent'.
48. Start drawing outlandish parallels between his life story and 'Star Wars'. Talk at great length.
49. Be generally in awe of him and never look away.
50. 'Imperius' his Death Eaters into a rousing chorus of 'All Things Bright And Beautiful'
51. Shower him with confetti and rice, anytime you think he needs to make a 'grand entry'.
52. Paint all the Death-Eater masks with bright colours and glitter.
53. Throw him a 'care-bears' themed birthday party.
54. Tell him what Snape's really up to.
55. Politely exclaim now and again that you 'don't know how he can be so afraid of dear old Dumbles'
56. Sing 'California Dreamin' at the top of your lungs when he's trying to have an 'evil moment'
57. Should you ever be eating with him - drum tunes with your cutlery, play with your food and blow bubbles in your chocolate milk.
58. Ask him to dance a polka with you.
59. Work cutesy phrases like 'pushing-up-daisies' and 'smooth-as-a-baby's-bottom' into conversation as much as possible.
60. Ask him if he's sure 'the whole evil-maniac-out-for-power-and-revenge thing isn't getting a bit old?'
61. Get him to play 'Twister' with you.
62. Tell him you know this great therapist in London....
63. Throw Tupperware parties. Insist he sit through them.
64. Tell him you've met plenty of people more evil than he.
65. Hide his teddy bear. That ALWAYS makes him cry.
66. Get him a plant. Act mortally offended when he doesn't water it and it dies.
67. Steal, snap and bury his wand.
68. Tell him Lucius did it.
69. Give Rita Skeeter full knowledge of his whereabouts and contact details.
70. Remind him that he isn't even really alive.
71. Write him a theme song. Start singing it whenever he is about to do or say something particularly clever and nasty.
72. Offer to sacrifice Draco Malfoy 'to the cause'
73. Insist on reading him bedtime stories. Include 'The Ugly Duckling'
74. Make vague allusions to Harry Potter being his son.
75. When he's done something particularly nasty - cross your arms, waggle a finger and say 'Now now, do you really think Salazar would have approved of that?'
76. Ask him how he can possibly wish to harm a single hair on the head of 'that sweet, innocent, cute little boy.'
77. Tell him Wormtail has a crush on him.
78. Lecture him at great length on why he shouldn't use the unforgivables.
79. Leave disgusting and rotting dead things near him. Insist that it is 'Aromatherapy'
80. Begin any question you ask him with 'Riddle me this!' Emphasis on Riddle.
81. Do not EVER act in the slightest way intimidated by him. Treat him as you would an eccentric acquaintance.
82. Cuddle him at random moments.
83. Sign him up for Little-League.
84. Ask him why he's afraid of a frail old man with a beard the size of a beehive and can't fight babies.
85. Throw biscuits at him. Constantly.
86. Tell him you think evil master plans of world domination are 'kind of girlie'
87. Quote Argus Filch. Insist HE will one day rule the wizarding world.
88. Wonder aloud whether the name Voldemort commands as much respect as, say, Potter or Dumbledore.
89. Mimic everything he says in a sing-song voice.
90. Mimic everything he does with exaggerated limb-movements.
91. Write sonnets for him.
92. Insist he help you with the newspaper crossword every morning.
93. Offer him ice cream cake.
94. Tell people he's 'really just a big softie'
95. Psychoanalyze him. Conclude that he is 'mildly depressed' and 'a bit of a control-freak'.
96. Mock his baldness.
97. Smile and say loudly 'Who loves you, Volders?' at inopportune moments. (Ie: another of his attempted 'evil moments')
98. Get him drunk.
99. Drag out a banjo at Death Eater revels and start playing 'Kumbayah'
100. Let him catch you trying on Death-Eater robes.

Top 16 Alternate Deathly Hallows Endings... *rotfl

1. Harry Potter ending - It’s the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. ‘Nuff said.

2. Back to the Future ending - Harry, Ron and Hermione defeat Voldemort by traveling back through time to 1955. While there, they befriend a young, and not yet evil, Tom Riddle. By showing him love and friendship, Tom grows up to be a swell guy, in fact, he’s Dumbledore’s personal assistant. Just as we think things are going to be OK, Mad Eye Moody shows up, grabs Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny and herds them to his nuclear powered broom time machine. When Harry asks what is wrong with them in future, Moody replies, “You turn out fine…it’s your kids!”

3. A Few Good Men ending - In the process of defeating Lord Voldemort, Ron and Hermione accidentally kill Draco. They are brought to trial before the Wizengamut, and Harry must act as their lawyer. Harry believes that Ron and Hermione were only following orders from Percy, and so he calls Percy to the stand. After a few hours of intense questioning, Harry finally tricks Percy into admitting he ordered the attack on Malfoy. As he is led off to Azkaban, Percy remarks, “All you did was weaken the wizarding world today, Potter. That’s all you did.”

 4. Lord of the Rings ending - Harry and Ron finally destroy the final horcrux by throwing it into a bubbling lave pit deep beneath Hogwarts, killing Lord Voldemort in the process, but at the same time weakening the foundations of Hogwarts, trapping Harry and Ron miles beneath the surface. where they gaze into each others eyes, too afraid to talk of the love that dare not speak it’s name. Just as they pass out, Fawkes rescues them and they both live out their lives married to their respective spouses

5. Brokeback Mountain ending - After wishing he could “quit him,” Harry finally finds out that Draco was beaten to death with wands by a group of angry Deatheaters. The book closes with Harry gazing longingly into his trunk, in which he has Draco’s Slytherin robe wrapped around his own Invisibility Cloak. Harry mumbles, “I swear, Draco.” and sheds a single tear.

6. 24 ending - It is revealed that Voldemort was really just working for the French, and Madame Maxime was really behind the entire plot to destroy the wizarding world. At the last second, Harry is able to diffuse the device Maxime had planted that would neutralize all wizard’s power in all of England. Just as they begin to celebrate, Harry is captured by the Chinese and when we last see him, he is on a boat to China.

7. CSI: Miami ending - Harry, Ron and Hermione collect evidence linking Voldemort to the murder of Albus Dumbledore. When confronted, Voldemort challenges Harry to prove he did it; Harry puts on his sunglasses, holding up a single strand of Voldemort’s hair, responds, “I don’t have to, you already did.”

8. Star Wars ending - Voldemort reveals himself to in fact be Harry’s father. "Harry, I am your father."

9. South Park ending - After defeating Voldemort, Harry and Ron address the audience, saying, “You know, I’ve learned something today.” Suddenly, Ginny is run over by the Knight Bus, prompting Ron to shout, “They killed Ginny!” Harry responds, “You bastards!” Neville laughs and says it’s because Ginny was poor.

10. Scooby Doo ending - Voldemort is captured, and is revealed to be Filch wearing a mask. As he is hauled away, he shouts, “And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!”

11.  Fight Club Ending - Harry forms Dumbledore's Army and the first rule of DA is "Do not talk about DA", as well as the second rule. After going on a quest for the horcruxes all over the world, Harry finds lord voldemort and meets him in a hotel room. Voldy then tells him the reason that his scar hurts when he is mad, and the reason that he can see into Voldemort's mind, is because they are the same person. Harry then realizes that Voldy's plan is to blow up hogwarts, gringotts and other major wizarding buildings, to go back to "ground zero". Voldy explains that because he is Harry, Bellatrix has actually been in love with him the whole time.In order to kill the last horcrux of Voldemort, Harry blasts his cheek with the Avada Kedavra curse, and Voldemort dissolves into nothingness. Bellatrix storms in yelling and crucioing everyone, and later forgives Harry after seeing his cheek. Harry tells Bellatrix that she met him at a very strange time of his life, and hogwarts, gringotts, and other wizarding buildings begin to explode. Bellatrix holds Harry's hand and all is well. Just before credits is a flash of Voldemort's never-before-seen... nose XD.

12. When a Stranger Calls - Harry is in the Weasly's house all alone in the dark besides Ginny and Ron.Suddenly they hear Voldemort speaking, but they can't see him. Then they find him hiding under the table, Harry rushes Ron & Ginny to the door and tell them to call for the Ministry. Once Harry gets Ginny & Ron out of the house, Voldemort grabs Harry and starts to fight him (the mugle way, yes with fists).
Voldemort then starts to raise his wand to Harry's throat and sas "the boy, whho lived, is no more",but Harry is quick and grabs the deluminator Ron dropped and turns on all the Weasly's lights. Voldemort covers his eyes from the bright lights,and Harry picks up his wand and whacks Voldemort at the back of his head. While Voldemort is screaming in pain he runs out to find Aurors running in to the scene. One hou later while Harry is being comforted by his friends, Harry sees many Aurors haul Voldemort off, Harry sees his face by moonlight. Then Harry wakes up in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries al alone. He starts to walk around in curiousity, he then walks into one room andVoldemort seizes him and points a wand to his throat, but in reality, Harry is going nuts in his while he keeps shouting "He's here!He's here!!!!!!!!!", then fade out.
13. Transformers - A loud crack filled the air. Voldemort froze with his wand held high above Harry. Several large figures apparated around Voldemort. He froze with his wand held high above Harry, who still lay on the ground.
“It ends now, Voldemort,” said the tallest of the figures. He stepped forward and cast a long shadow over the Dark Lord.
“It’s … it’s not possible,” Voldemort stammered as he looked into the robot’s steely eyes, his own overcome with fear.
Harry knew now that he was safe. Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, had returned to finish the job he started so many years earlier.

14. The Princess Bride -  “And that, children, is the story of the battle of Hogwarts,” said the pale old storyteller as he closed a massive, well-worn book.
“Professor,” said a young red-haired girl, “is that a true story?”
“Of course it is sweety, of course it is.”
“How do you know?”
“I was there,” the old man said, and the young girl’s eyes widened with excitement. “For I am Lord Voldemort.”

15. Around the World in 80 Days - There were flashes of red and green light. Harry and Voldemort were both still standing, but their wands had been destroyed.
“It seems there is only way to settle this now, Potter,” shouted the dark wizard.
“How’s that?” Harry shouted back.
“A race. Around the world. We leave King’s Cross at noon tomorrow.”
The two stared intensely at each other. Harry knew Voldemort to be right. There was no way around it. “Then I’ll see you at noon!” Harry snarled back.
In that instant the two turned and hurried off in opposite directions. Harry’s heart burned inside his chest. He had suitcases to pack.

16. Twilight - Voldemort lures Ginny to the Ballet School she went to when she was small. There, he uses the Cruciatus Curse on her. Harry comes in and they have an epic duel among all the mirrors.
Ginny ends up fine, but with a few broken bones.

17. Sweeney Todd ending - After defeating Voldemort, Ginny is threatened by Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange. Harry yells "not my girlfriend, you bitches!" and kills them both with a slashing spell. Suddenly the candles in Hogwarts are re-lit and Harry reccognises the faces of the couple he had just kill. Harry is then told by Ginny that his parents never actually died, and that she knew all along. Harry's parents were infact Bellatrix Lestrange and Rodolphus, and were driven insane by a potion-experiment-gone-wrong. Ginny confesses her love for him, and says that he wouldn't have loved her back if he still knew his parents were alive. Harry wouldn't have had to stay at the burrow during the summer holidays, and Ginny would never see him. Harry tells her that he understands, with a crazed look in his eyes. He begins to waltz with her in the Great Hall, dancing on top of all the dead bodies. Slowly, he waltzes her closer to the boiling cauldron of deadly potions. Harry quickly shoves Ginny into the cauldron and watches her burn to death. Meanwhile, Ron Weasley sneaks up behind Harry. Harry is depressed and desides he has no more reason to live. He walks over to his dead parents, and Ron briskly fires an "Avada Kedavra" from behind. Harry dies holding his dead parents, and all his memories seep out of him (like Snape did earlier) for the world to see. Fade to black.

HOGWARTS- let's see my school! xoxoxo

Ceritanya nih, Hogwarts didirikn oleh empat penyihir hebat : godric Gryffindor, Salazar slytherin, Rowena revenclaw, dan Helga hufflepuff, pada tahun 1000 M, nama dan karakter keempat pendiri ii yang akhirnya menjadi nama serta ciri khas asrama buat murid-murid Hogwarts.
         Lewat topi seleksi , setiap murid bakal ditetuin masuk ke asrama mana sesuai kepribadian mereka. Asrama-asr ma itu saling bersaing buat ngumpulin angka prestasi dan memperebutkan piala quidditch!


Pendiri             : godric Gryffindor
The legacless   : topi seleksi + pedang Gryffindor yang selalu ada  di kantor kepala sekolah di kantor.
Lambang         : singa dengan warna merah dan emas
Hantu asrama  : sir Nicholas de mimsy porpington
Famous student : harry potter harmione granger dan ron weasley

ciri khas          :
-Asramanya terletak di menara
-Murid-murid yang tinggal di sini biasaya pemberani, berjiwa ksatria dan rela berkorban demi membela yang -benar. meski kadang-kadan bandel dan enggak mematuhi atura
-Dijaga oleh nyonya gemuk bergaun sutra pink yang tinggal di dalam lukisan
 Pendiri             : Helga hufflepuff
The legacy       :  piala yang dijadiin horcrux oleh voldemort.
Lambang         : badger dan kenari dengan warna kuning dan hitam
Hantu asrama  : the fat friar
Famous student: cedric diggory

Cirri khas:
-Lokasinya di bawah tanah. Ruang rekreasi nya dipenuhi kursi malas dan memiliki terowongan bawah tanah -yang tembus  ke asrama, dengan pintu ligkaran penuh mirip ujung tong
-Murid-muridnya pekerja keras, setia, punya rasa toleransi dan keadilan yang tinggi

Pendiri             : Rowena ravenclaw
The legasy       : tiara, yang diletakkan di patung setengah badan. Yang juga dijadiin oleh voldemort
Lambing          : elang dengan warna biru dan perunggu (tapi di flim jadi warna perak)
Hantu asrama : grey lady
Famous studeng: choc hang

Cirri khas:
-Lokasinya di menara ravenclaw, bagian barat sekolah dan berbentuk lingkaran. Buat masuk kitaharus -memecahkan teka-teki logis. Beda sama asrama lain yang memakai kata sandi
-Murid-muridnya mengutamakan kecerdasan, kreativitas akal dan kebijaksanaan.


Pendiri             : Salazar slytherin
The legacy       : liontin yag sempt dijual oleh ibunya voldemort a.k.a tom riddle. Yang juga dijadikan sebagai salah satu horcrux oleh voldemort
Lambing          :ular dengan warna hijau dan perak
Hantu asrama:bloody baron
Famous student: tom riddle dan draco malfoy
Ciri khas:
-Asrama dan ruang rekreasinya bias dicapai lewat dinding batu di dalam ruang bawah tanah. Ruag rekreasiya -berbentuk panjang, rendah daan berada di bawah danau Hogwarts.
-Murid_muridnya ambisius, cerdik bahkan cenderung licik, punya akal panjang dan rata-rata keturunan darah murni.