Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 trailer 1

♫Death Eaters-Dangerous and Moving♫

*To the tune of "Dangerous and Moving, By t.A.T.u.. If you don't know that song, here's a link: Dangerous and Moving*
Anyways, Dangerous and Moving, Death Eater style!
We'll take over the world today,
And never give it back,
And this is what the Order members say,
Our lives are evil and black
And this is how we move
And this is how we sway
Danger is the truth
We fell and rose again!

We broke out of Azkaban,
We're perilous and looming
We're dangerous and moving,
We're dangerous and moving!

We’ll burn everything down,
We’re perilous and looming
We’re dangerous and moving,
We’re dangerous and moving

We’ll have no mercy for the lost,
We’ll get rid of all the sad,
The line was just crossed,
We use the living dead

And this is how we move
And this is how we sway
Danger is the truth
We fell and rose again!

We outwitted the ministry,
We're perilous and looming
We're dangerous and moving,
We're dangerous and moving!

Ignoring boundaries and laws,
We're perilous and looming
We're dangerous and moving,
We're dangerous and moving!

Dangerous and Moving,
Dangerous and Moving…………….

Jessie J Price Tag ♫ ♫

Seems like everybody’s got a price,
I wonder how they sleep at night.
When the tale comes first,
And the truth comes second,
Just stop, for a minute and

Why is everybody so serious!
Acting so damn mysterious
You got your shades on your eyes
And your heels so high
That you can’t even have a good time.

Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right (ha)
Can you feel that (yeah)
Well pay them with love tonight

It’s not about the money, money, money
We don’t need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag

Ain’t about the (ha) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching.
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag.

We need to take it back in time,
When music made us all UNITE!
And it wasn’t low blows and video Hoes,
Am I the only one gettin tired

Why is everybody so obsessed?
Money can’t buy us happiness
Can we all slow down and enjoy right now
Guarantee we’ll be feelin
All right.

Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right (ha)
Can you feel that (yeah)
Well pay them with love tonight

Yeah yeah
Well, keep the price tag
And take the cash back
Just give me six streams and a half stack
And you can keep the cars
Leave me the garage
And all I..
Yes all I need are keys and garage
And guess what, in 30 seconds I’m leaving to Mars
Yes we leaving across these undefeatable odds
Its like this man, you can’t put a price on life
We do this for the love so we fight and sacrifice everynight
So we aint gon stumble and fall never
Waiting to see, a sign of defeat uh uh
So we gon keep everyone moving there feet
So bring back the beat and everybody sing
It’s not about

Yeah yeah
Forget about the price tag

So the Twilight fan came up and said..

I found this online. It's a real conversation a bookstore employee apparently had with a Twilight fan. It didn't happen to me. I found it funny, thought you guys might too.

(A customer in her late teens approaches me in the bookstore.)

Customer: “Hey, do you guys sell the Twilight books?”
bookstore keeper: “Yes, they’re right over there.”
Customer: “Have you read them?”
bookstore keeper: “Yes, I have.”
Customer: “Didn’t you just LOVE them?!”
bookstore keeper: “Well, actually, they aren’t really my type of book, so–”
Customer: *suddenly furious* “Are you f***ing serious?! These are the best books ever written! I’m going to tell Edward to come and bite you and drink all your blood!”
bookstore keeper: *backing away* “Have a nice day, ma’am…”

haha i found it at fanpop, its funny. but thats offend me. i do, i like the girl. thought that edward is real and I also thought that bellatrix is real. it's normally for a girl like me and her yeah!

oh GOD They DO know Edward isn't real, right? God it just PISSES me off when a twihard says that! Like yeah, EDWARD is gonna come and suck my blood. HE'S A FUCKING CHARACTER! DEAL WITH IT!! It's not like i go around saying "I'm going to tell Bellatrix to come crucio and Avada Kedavra you!" Like no dude, shut up!

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

melanie zulaeha

semalem hal yang paling melelahkan yang pernah ada, tauk deh ngapa. padahal sekolah gue di pulangin lebih cepat dari biasanya, awalnya si thanks god banget taunya pulang cepet, eh malah klub ekskul di sekolah gue ngadain gathering lagik buat acara bukak bareng gt. erghh untung aja tuh gue bisa kabur..

gue enggak tau pen kabur kemana sekarang yang jelas gue harus bisa keluar dari neraka ini (lebay). manalagi gue minta jemputnya jam 12  lagi, eh ini dipulangin jam 10 paraah. yaudah akhirnya gue ngabur ke sun, eh malah di sun gue harus nunggu sampe jam 12, karna anak sekolah baru bole masuk jam 12. anjrit..

yaudah dengan senyum setengah hati gue mencoba nenangin diri dan nunggu di parkiran, eh manalagi panas, parah banget deh. gue akhirya berpikir buat ngabur pake lift tapi pasti gagal, atau  dari lorong bawah tanah, pasti deh gagal jugak, ehm gimana kalo gue letakin bomb tablet trus gue tempel pake permen karet di pintu otomatis ehm enggak mungkin. argggh gue frustasi ah amandel gue kambuh ah gue pen muntah ah satpam anjreeeng kenapa lo harus nonggol di setiap lamunan gue buat kabur dari lo, dan ngegagalin semua yang ada di dalem pala gue njrit.

akhirnya gue coba ngelamun lagi, tapi gue enggak tau harus ngelamunin apa dan mulai dari mana arggh gue galau, ini pasti pengaruh si satpam yang liatin gue dari tadi. oke oke calm down, gue uda konsentrasi buat ngelamun, tapi bukan ngelanjor ya (ngelamun jorok) tapi gue berpikir kapan semua ini berakhir, gue uda enggak tahan, gue enggak sanggup, kenapa ini harus begitu berat, apa gue harus sampek punya jenggot dan bulu ketek yang panjang banget dan punya 3 anak yang lucu lucu iyuh preeeeet tidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak gue frustasi

ah uda jam 12 aje, telpon gue dering lagunya jessi j price tag yang langsung bagian reff entah dari mana itu karna seinget gue, gue enggak bawa hape. tapi gue angkat aje.

eh gue uda di jemput sama om gue a.k.a adek ipar emak gue a.k.a suminya tante gue a.k.a menantu dari kakek gue a.k.a menantu dari menan.. arggggh ...

akhirnya gue balik ke lobby di sekolah gue, ergh capek banget gue udah buru buru dateng eh dianya belon ada, njir dia masi dijalan, oke gue terus menunnggu menungu dan menungggu mungkin sampek lebaran moyet mungkin dia gak dateng. gue berharap sekarang juga pangeran kuda putih dateng jemput gue yang lagi galau ini, dan yah.. dia dateng dia manggil gue oh go 'hani!!'uh shit suaranya kok serak terus, dia mukul pungung gue.. oh rupanya om gue uda jeput gue, shit amandel gue kumat, walaupun sampek sekarang gue enggak tau apa hubungannya.

eh di perjalanan macet banget macet tingkat dewa banget, asli deh hah gue dehidrasi pret banget ini hari melelahkan banget.. 

nyampek rumah eh taunya sepupu gue lagi mainin kamera slr gue oh god what the hell happen next? sabar han pikir gue dalem hati, walaupun gue uda cobak sabar gue langsung ngerampas tuh kamera 

"eh kok pande kali ya tangannya ngambel barang orang tanpa bilang! siapa yang ngajarin yah? uda besar kali rup..." hah? damn it poto yg mereka ambil bagus2 banget lagi. boleh juga nih mintak tebeng poto gue.
"kenapa kak? bagus tan?" kata melanie pake celat
" hah? hek enggak ko. tapi sebagai hukuman kalian harus poto bareng kakak! enggak boleh bantah!"
"sep booosssssssssss" kata putri

oke gue mau ngenalin di poto ini ada sepupu gue yang masi kelas satu SD bernama melanie zulaeha yang biasa di panggil imel, anak ke 2 dari 2 bersaudara dari pasangan layla zulaeha dan hamdan HTT . ini dia sepupu gue yag paling aktif dan ajaib banget..

ini foto yang di ambilin si putri, walaupun gue malu ngakuinya, tapi yah "INI BAGUS BANGET GILAK!"
anjrit jerawat gue , walaupun ini enggak bagus + banget tapi entah ngapa tetep aja gue posting
ini versi paok poto gue yaang diambilin si melanie,entah ngapain tuh gue, gue aja kagak tau. oh iya ini  gue edit color pake filter flim effect biar jerawat gue enggak terlalu keliatan banget

heem malu banget gue ngakuinnya walaupun faktanya dia sepupu gue yang paling centil
anjring nih mukak ajaib banget, kok bisa la gue punya sepupu kaya gini
eseeeh uda lagak jadi poto MOLEN lo ya dek? haha
entah ngapa gaya dia jadi kaya gini, mungkin ada penggalauan jiwa yang besar sedang bergejolak di dalem hatinya. padahal - melanie : kakak kentut yah? husssssh
hah ini baru sepupu gueh yang paling unyuk di seluruh dunia akherat, melanie subono.. haha melanie zulaeha deng



Here I am, in an isolated bed wing at St. Mungo’s . And for once, interviewing ( not quite the right way ) Rita skeeter who apparently isnt in the best of condition to reveal about the extraordinary interview with the “MAN WHO LET THE BOY LIVE” and the “EATEN BY DEATH” crowd there . By hearing this we can easily guess why she has turned up at St.Mungo’s.

Anyways skeeter who – for the first time brilliantly found a way to penetrate into the after death world had successfully but unfortunately met them there in an interview.using a pensieve lets find what happened there……….


Rita : oh my! Its unbelievable! Where have I turned up today?

Death eater1: oh yeah look there – an old scum has turned up here.

Rita: excuse me you unknown man but you ought to give some respect to people who actually live.

Death eater 2: its time you earned it lady or you’ll soon be joining us. You know our powers are not gone entirely.we’ve got a wand you know?

( after an awkward pause )

Rita : well you know since I came here, I might as well interview “the man..”

Deathe eater 3: excuse me? What did you just say??

Rita: well you know he’s called like that now in the wizarding world but if it offends you so much I can use “the dark lord” you know?

Death eater 4: yeah!it sounds better.

(just as skeeter is about to enter a room Bellatrix appears in the way. Thinking she might as well do her job to perfection, skeeter decides to go with her first.)

Rita : um..miss Bella do you mind if I interview you?

Bella : yes I mind and if you call me Bella again..you know no one but the dark lord ….has the er right…. (bellatrix blushes)

Rita : well shall I have one question for you that the muggles who read Harry potter waiting to know?

Bella: muggles? Filthy mudbloods reading about the noble Dark lord?? What the hell is going on there?

Rita : well you know an extremely intelligent lady called JKR has somehow received an intuition and imaginarily wrote about the wizarding world and it quite seems to be true!
Anyways lets come to the point now. What do you think about having to die in the hands of Molly weasley?


(and skeeter positively runs from the place to avoid further torture. Then after an hour of melee she finally meets voldemort )

Rita : its an immense pleasure to meet you my lord!

Voldemort : it wouldn’t be such a pleasure for you if im not in a good mood.

Rita : er –Mr Riddle

Voldemort : how dare you call me using my filthy mudblood fathers name..Call me nothing but voldemort.

Rita : so lets move on… as you know how famous I am in the wizarding world…

Voldemort: *snorts* you know I may have been killed by a boy but yet I’m sensible enough to know some facts.

Rita : well anyways the point is that you can convey to the wizarding world what you want them to know through me.

Voldemort: that’s the only reason im tolerating all this nonsense.

Rita : so people have got many questions and I want to ask you them. First of all do you still think you were more powerful than HARRY POTTER?

Voldemort : do you have any doubt in that? ( eyes narrow furiously )

Rita : next- why is it that you never really married?

Voldemort: just because I didnt marry it doesn’t mean that I never… er… that’s my personal so move on before I blast you down.

Rita: um…after all these years have you learnt a lesson?

Voldemort: yes!! ( he certainly has an evil glint in his eyes now )

Rita : what is the lesson?

Voldemort : next time I make a horcrux I’ll make sure I put more enchanments and use unusual objects not connected to me.

Rita : a very useful lesson indeed – I see you have thought well on this matter.

Voldemort: (menacingly) move on!!!

Rita : well one final question – what do you wish to tell HARRY POTTER ?

( voldemort rises from his chair and starts shouting furiously )


Rita : thinks -{ how many times does he make the same mistake? Yet not admitting. }


Rita : thinks-{ how?}


(rita positively flees out but more death eaters join the pursuit led by Bellatrix yet again. And amidst-


She however manages to return back but not totally unscathed though)


True Power Of Harry!

The World is flat!
    Well, I know you question my sanity, now. Obviously, the world is round and that’s a proven fact, from the moment Galileo stepped out of his ship. And now, there’s a question again. Is the World really round? I hate that word, really. The word which gives rise to a lot of questions and seeks for explanations.
    ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge,’ said a wise man once. And, it’s true. Well, you need not be aware of the complications of four-dimensional space fabric to accept this theory. What all you need to know is the record made by two international best-selling books of this century and the mounds of money the authors made from these books.
    You can guess the books. The first is the Harry Potter series written by the most loving author of all time – J. K. Rowling. We all know the inexplicable effort she took for the publication of her very first novel which was later proved to be one of the stunning books of the century. “Harry Potter is the creation of genius,” said one of the leading magazines of Great Britain. And, you bet it is.
    Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone was published in 1997 and hit the international-bestselling status in a short period of time. The next parts of the series were unraveled one after another until every American child’s mind was blacked out by Harry. Nearly all the teen-agers were enthralled by the beautiful zigzag flow of the action-packed adventure of Harry Potter. Now, the guy who says, ‘the world is flat’ and the guy who says, ‘I don’t like HP’ are looked upon the same.
    Do you see a child or a teen-ager is acting weirdly? Does he have feathers at the back of his pen? Does he say ‘Lumos’ whenever he’s in dark? Does he have a password for his room and makes you say that before you enter? These are the symptoms of a common-form of disease called Harry-O-Mania. Well, nothing to worry, until you read Harry Potter yourself and join him in his world of Wizards.
    The second is the Twilight saga written by Stephanie Meyer. The books also made the record and one of the leading news-papers said, “Move over, Harry Potter.” It wasn’t until then that the chaos reigned. Ever since the start of the literature, people usually compare books. Narnia and The Lord of the Rings were compared and criticized although Lewis and Tolkien were best-friends.
    And today, it’s Harry Potter vs. Twilight. A lot of American high-schools have teams named after these two books and the reports tell that they fight with each other often.
    Now, we really should know what’s happening. Twilight portrays the love of a teen-age girl for a boy who later turned out to be vampire. Now, the V-word should be scared of. On the contrary, after the publication of this book, people – especially girls – started to love it.
    What’s the source of the uncountable money made by these two books? Imagination. Solely, imagination. ‘Imagine, this is an unimaginable situation.’ A boy living in the world of wizards? A girl living with vampires and were-wolves? What are these two called? A grown-up man would say all these as insane theories. But, I must confess, that there’ve been moments when I’ve yearned to be in the company of Ron and Hermione fighting bravely against Lord Voldemort.
    The fantasy of Harry Potter is hard to explain. The spells, the castles, ad the countless other heart-binding theories are the reasons HP has been successful. The plots are absolutely phenomenal. You will not know it, until you read the book.
    When that versus word comes, I’m sorry to confess that Harry Potter is better than Twilight. The reason is very simple. Values. Both the books give beautiful explanations for true love. Twilight has this basis: without you, I’m a dull Zombie. But, Harry Potter has rich values which rely on the incredible power of love. We all have seen Bella and Edward attempting to suicide. That quality which says, “Dying for love.” I do not know where Meyer is taking the teens with this. But, Rowling has portrayed another quality. “Living for Love.” The perfect example here is Severus Snape. Snape became a better man for his love for Lily, even after her death.
    That phenomenal power of love which destroys the darkest of forces has been perfectly annotated in Harry Potter. ‘Harry’s undeniable weapon is love – just love,’ says Dumbledore.
    However, these books have made it! And the World is now fast changing. A transition of imagination from reality.

    And now, what if the world really is flat? Really?

So You Want to Be a Death Eater: Your guide to everything evil!

Credit: mugglenet.com
Greetings, new follower:

If you are reading this letter then you have doubtless been accepted into the select band of professional wizards known as the Death Eaters. If by some unprecedented chance you are reading this and you have not been accepted into the Death Eaters then I suggest you put down this letter and leave now, or the consequences for you will be as terrible as my lifelong study into the Dark Arts can make them.

Please find enclosed a short introductory guide to Death Eating, which you must memorize and then eat, to prevent security leaks. (Due to an unfortunate fatality last week, it is now permitted to cut the guide into small pieces before swallowing).

The next meeting is scheduled for midnight, 11th June, when I trust we will have the pleasure of watching your initiation ceremony. Please remember to bring a clean handsaw and enough twine. It's so distressing when people don't prepare for these events properly.

Yours in infamy,

Lord Voldemort

So You Want To Be A Death Eater?

Welcome to this helpful guide to being a Death Eater. This leaflet should provide you with all the information you need to become a successful servant to the Dark Lord. It will if you know what's good for you. Please read every page before eating.

Aims of the society:
World peace *
To be evil
To conquer the world
Elimination of all Muggles
Elimination of all Mudbloods
Elimination of Albus Dumbledore & the Order of the Phoenix
Elimination of (miscellaneous)
To serve Lord Voldemort (that's me!)
To create sanctuaries for endangered breeds of snakes
* This statement is a lie.

List of Equipment required for new Death Eaters:

(Equipment marked * must be obtained from Messers. Gorgon & Black Limited, outfitters to the intensely evil and terminally stylish since 12 BC. Their premises are on Knockturn Alley, but they now do mail order as well.)

Long Black Robes (Casual) *
Long Black Robes (Smart) *
Short Black Robes (for summer wear) *
Long Black cloak (silk is preferable to velvet, as it is much more absorbent) *
Black mask (informal)
Black mask (sequined)
Black boots (Stiletto heels are no longer permitted) *
Black leather gloves (barbed wire ornamentation optional) *
Extra wand in case of losing first wand
Plastic imitation wand in case of losing Extra wand

Cane (For favored members only. Unauthorized possession of a cane will result in a heavy fine. Before possessing cane, it is necessary to pass a rigorous series of tests to ascertain that your carrying-a-cane-in-a-nonchalant-yet-evil-fashion skills are up to scratch).

Dueling sword *
Disguise kit, containing: Nun's outfit, false beard, beekeeping veil, Muggle policeman's costume, etc. *
Assorted chains
Pointy stick

Recommended Reading:
Curses and Counter-Curses by Professor Vindictus Viridian
Evil: A Beginners Guide by Professor E. Maledict
The Illustrated Torturer's handbook by Bellatrix Black
What Not to Wear in the Torture Chamber by Narcissa Malfoy
Sex, Lies, and Unforgivable Curses: The Authorised Biography of Lord Voldemort by Peter Pettigrew
Caring For Your New Tattoo: An Informative Guide by St. Mungo's Hospital Skin Department

Death Eater may also own snake or dragon or hippogriff. But only Lord Voldemort may possess a basilisk.

Death Eater Rules:

No Death Eater shall be a spy for Dumbledore.

No Death Eater shall play the harmonica.

All Death Eaters must be proficient in the Dark Arts: murder, Unforgivable Curses, yodeling etc. An annual examination will be made to make sure that all members are up to scratch.

No Death Eater shall behave with integrity unless it is a genuine accident.

A Death Eater must be pureblooded.

No Death Eater must ever mention that the Dark Lord himself is not pureblooded.

No Death Eater may kill another Death Eater without a very good reason.

All Death Eaters shall answer Lord Voldemort's summons immediately. (Unless you are having a shower, in which case it is permitted to don a bath robe first.)

All Death Eaters shall have vaguely sinister surnames.

All Death Eaters shall overtake on the left.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What happens if Voldemort is displeased with me?

As this is a fairly run (and currently short-staffed) organization, you will probably receive a warning. And some soul-destroying torture. A second offense and you will probably die a slow death. Options include:

Being slowly eaten by a manticore.

Being dissolved in a vat of basilisk venom.

Gradual impalement on your own wand.

Death by Mandrake (according to season).

The Pancake curse. (This newly developed spell will carve you into wafer-thin slices. Victims killed in this way are traditionally cooked in hot fat and served with maple syrup or lemon juice at Death Eater feasts.)

Being flayed alive and used as a life-sized glove puppet at Death Eater children's parties.

Avada Kedavra (if we're in a hurry/ feeling rather unimaginative).

What should I do if I decide to leave the organization?

Make your funeral arrangements as quickly as possible. (See above)

What is the salary like?

You should be in this job for the principle of the thing, not for sordid reasons. So let's just say that it's much, much better than they pay at the Ministry. There will also be opportunities for pillage, looting, theft, etc., and Christmas bonuses are guaranteed.

Does the Dark Mark hurt?

Of course it does; this is an evil society after all. What are you, a wimp?

Can the Dark Mark be removed by laser treatment?

No. Only a moron would ask such a stupid question.

But it can be temporarily obscured by a good-quality concealer. (Make sure it's a shade darker than your skin tone, as a lighter shade will simply draw attention to the tattoo. Pat translucent powder over the concealer to make it last longer.)

Is there a retirement age for Death Eaters?

You probably won't live long enough to have to deal with this problem.

Can I kill personal enemies or just opponents of Voldemort?

Murder is encouraged on principle; however, personal killings should be reserved for each individual Death Eater's free time, as obviously serving Lord Voldemort is much more important. Occasional massacre outings/ dark revels may take place as rewards for good (i.e. bad) behavior.

What should I do if Voldemort is defeated at the height of his powers by a one-year-old boy?

This circumstance is so unlikely that there is no point devising a protocol to deal with it.

The Death Eater Anthem (to be memorised by each new recruit as soon as possible). Please note that this tune should never, never, never, never be sung to the tune of "Blackadder," an inane Muggle television program to which we are completely oblivious and never watch. Honestly.

Who lurk beneath the undergrowth?
When all is dim and dark?
Who murder people in their beds
Or sometimes in the park?
Death Eaters! Death Eaters!
Our blood is pure as pure!
Death Eaters! Death Eaters!
We all love Voldemort!
We serve the Dark Lord every day,
We're always very loyal
And if with us you don't agree
We'll boil you in hot oil!
Death Eaters! Death Eaters!
We're evil as can be!
Death Eaters! Death Eaters!
But if we're scared we'll flee!
Our curses are incredible.
We're known for our Morsmordres
And though our leader is insane
We always follow orders.
Death Eaters! Death Eaters!
We're wickedness collective!
Death Eaters! Death Eaters!
Yet rather ineffective!

Health and Safety:

Being a Death Eater is naturally a dangerous job. Lord Voldemort accepts no liability for any pain/suffering/torture/impalement/loss of limbs/grievous bodily harm/disintegration/insanity/imprisonment/loss of soul/death which you may experience while in his service. No good will come of any attempts to sue him as a negligent employer. Trust us.

However, in order to protect members, these safety guidelines have been developed for Death Eaters both during leisure time and on missions for the Dark Lord:

Don't try to take out Harry Potter yourself. It is extremely presumptuous. Leave it to Lord Voldemort, who has much more practice.

Employ masterly deceit to conceal your allegiance to the Dark Lord: e.g., if someone accuses you of being a Death Eater, laugh carelessly and say: "No, I am not a Death Eater. Would you like a cup of tea?" This Machiavellian trickery should be enough to convince them.

If this does not convince your accuser, have them discreetly murdered. (Sussex and Fox Ltd, of 13, Knockturn Alley, run a very efficient assassination service and are currently offering cut-price deals for friends and associates of the Dark Lord. Present your membership card at the counter for further details.)

Keep your wand on you at all times, even if you are asleep/on a hot date/in the bath/on the beach/wearing very tight-fitting leather garments (or all of these at once).

Ostentatious indicators of evil, such as manic laughter/dressing entirely in black swooshy robes (Snape, this means you)/ making sinister comments/killing people should be practiced only in private.

If you suspect someone of being a spy, kill them and their family at the first opportunity. If it turns out they were not a spy at all, pass it off as a light-hearted practical joke.

Only eat food prepared by yourself or your faithful minions. Do not trust your spouse(s)/partner(s), no matter how pretty he/she/they may be.

Similarly, do not accept drinks from anyone. This may cause offense when visiting a pub or bar but it's better than being dead. Obviously.

Do not take off your mask for any reason while on a mission. If people see your face while you are conjuring the Dark Mark/ massacring etc, they may suspect that you are a Death Eater.

Do not try to smoke while wearing your mask, as it is not fireproof.

Never address your colleagues by name while on a mission. Survivors may recall it at a later date. For the same reason, never mention your address or telephone number to anyone you are kidnapping/raping/torturing/killing, no matter how attractive they may be. Evil relationship experts have stated that romance is unlikely to flourish under such circumstances anyway.

Burn all sensitive documents. Not only will this deter spies, it is also amusing as it contributes to global warming.

Set up an anti-Apparating spell round your residence (but make sure you have a Portkey handy so you're not embarrassingly trapped there if the place is attacked by Aurors).

Prepare a secret hideout for yourself should your cover be blown. Failure to do this may lead to your sharing a hideout with another Death Eating family, which often results in friction over use of bathroom facilities, television, etc.

Don't upset Lord Voldemort. It will only end in tears. (And multiple burns, fractured limbs, mortal torment, etc.)

What It Means to Me

I've been a devoted Harry Potter fan since I was nine. At that time, I didn't read the books, but just focused on the movies, and they fascinated me greatly. I knew all the spells by heart, and I used to say the lines as I watched the movies again. I had random Harry Potter stuff written down on my school books, and I used to make a wooden wand and practice all the non-existent spells.

one day my mom friend, aunty nining forced me to read the books. It was the greatest thing I had ever done, and I thank her for it. He shoved the first book in my face and said, "Read it! The movies will be forgotten." At that time I was 10. Naturally, I read the first book and I was hooked. I read it all in one day, because I just couldn't set it down! I was obsessed, and the characters grew on me before I could say, "Wow."

Slowly, I started reading all the books. The second was better than the first, the third better than the second, the fourth better than the third and so on. By the time I was 11, I was waiting anxiously for the sixth book to come out. I used to sit down in front of the Internet and search for the Half-Blood Prince, wondering what JKR would do next. I was 11, but I was more into books than anything else. And my thanks goes out to JKR and her world of Harry Potter for that.

The sixth book came out and all the country went crazy! Children came to school with their copies, rushed their classwork and then started reading the book. I was among them. And I read, and I read, and I read and honestly, I never stopped. I was done quite soon.

 when I was 13, my mother gave me full of harry potter series. how lucky girl I am? for the first time I wanna scream "wow!" thats the best present that i've ever seen" oh god i wanna vomit ierghhhhh..  oh mom thanks thanks i love ya!

That's the story of how I started and finished Harry Potter, but what does it mean to me? Honestly, it made me the person I am right now and I'm not exaggerating.

The Philosopher's Stone:

I learned about what parents mean to me. It made me realize how much they play a role in your lives, yet we're never grateful and we should look towards the people who don't have parents and think, "Thank God we have them." I realized that if my parents weren't here with me, they would be the one thing I would desire the most- nothing else would matter, and it made me love them more. Way more.

I learnt about the true value of friends, of school, of trust and loyalty. I learnt about how there's always evil in the world, it's always around us, but we can overcome it if only we try. With the wisdom of Dumbledore, I realized that death is nothing to be scared of.

The Chamber of Secrets:

I learnt how friends help each other in their times of need, and how much it hurts when one of your closest friends gets hurt. I learnt how you CAN make a difference, and all you have to do is try your hardest. I learnt about how much siblings matter- how much family matters.

I learnt about how people get pulled into others' traps, but there's always a way out. I learnt about how wrong things become that other people get blamed for something they haven't done, but you have to trust in them.

The Prisoner of Azkaban

I learnt about overcoming my fears, and replacing them with joy and laughter. I learnt that things are not always what they seem, and we shouldn't blindly trust what others say. I learnt that sometimes, you have to take a stand for what's right. Give others a chance. Forgive others, and show mercy because even if they're evil, you don't have to be.

I learnt about second chances and courage.

The Goblet of Fire

Here, I learnt about how age doesn't always matter, and that you can overcome difficulties through your skill and knowledge. I learnt about new feelings such as love, tiny crushes, jealousy, and small fights. I learnt that even though friends fight, they make up and they're stronger than ever.

I learnt that even the most powerful, evil people have their fears, their weaknesses and that no one is void of fears. I've learnt that you can help others whether they be competition or not.

The Order of the Phoenix

Fight for what's right. Fight for the good of the whole world, and don't submit yourself to the bad things. How you can take a stand even in the darkest times, and how you can keep your friends close and they'll support you through it all. I've learnt about how much family means to you. This book made me stronger mentally.

The Half-Blood Prince

This book introduced a whole new side of Harry Potter to me. The normal side. The things that all teenagers go through: lust and love. I realized how friends can always become a little more. I was introduced to the way people use others to make their love interests jealous, and that prepared me for the outside world because that really IS what happens.

The Deathly Hallows

Where to start? Sometimes, sacrificing your life for the greater good of things isn't something you should hesitate in doing. Sometimes, you have to risk your lives to keep the most important things safe. Sometimes, you have to keep YOUR interests aside and go for the interests of the whole world.

Friends stick by you throughout it all. And those are true friends. I learnt to be loyal, brave and trustworthy. I learnt about loving my friends, my family. I learnt about compromise, giving up luxuries when it's important. I learnt about how merely three people can make a difference in the world.

I learnt about true love, and how sometimes, you never move on but you have to live, making your life worth it. Live for something good. I learnt about how even the purest of people make mistakes, and how that's only natural. I learnt about how badly it hurts when the person you love dies.

I learnt about family values, friendship, good versus evil, sacrifice, compromise, justice and so much other stuff.

I am the person I am because of Harry Potter, and to me, it's the best moral conduct out there. Better than any movie, better than any uplifting song, better than any speech. It's entertaining, and it teaches you so much. Hidden symbols, philosophies- everything included. This will go down in history. A classic. A legend.

A salute to J.K Rowling.

Twilight Jokes (sorry, I dont mean to insult, just laugh :D

I found these online, and thought they were kinda funny, :)
Credit: wiki answers, wattpad.com, b l o g s p o t.com

How many Twilighters does it take to screw on a light bulb?
I don't know, they're all too busy fighting over who gets to be Mrs Cullen

What happened when Emmett Cullen stubbed his toe?
He made the whole city collapse!

Rosalie Hale was told to find something just as or more beautiful then herself. She came back with a mirror!

How do you stop Jacob Black from attacking you?
You pick up a stick, throw it and yell "fetch"!

How do you irritate Edward Cullen?
Buy him a dog and call it Jacob!

Why can't Edward read Bella's mind?
There's nothing to read.

Jasper will never be a therapist because he already knows "how you feel about that".

I keep wanting to steal Jasper
but everytime I go to his bedroom window
Alice is waiting with a baseball bat...
how does she kno... oh yeah!!!

Dear Diary,
I would like to La Push Jacob of a cliff.
Love Edward

I went to La Push Washington, and all I got was this stupid imprint.

Jasper Hales first job was as a paperboy, there were no survivors.

Tips for guys trying to find a girlfriend:
1. Read the Twilight Saga.
2. Watch Twilight movies.
3. In every real-life situation, think, "What would Edward do?

Boy: You know Edward Cullen isn't real, right?
Girl: Well fake boobs aren't real, but you still like to look at those!

Dear Edward,
Thanks a lot...
Guys everywhere

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

sibuk tingkat dewa -_-"

okay guys, mungkin tanpa sadar lo, lo gak ngeliat jam, ato emang jam lo mati, ato jam lo di curi, ato emang sama sekali enggak punya jam, jangan bersedih hati gue bakalan ngasih tau kalo sekarang ini jam 2.38 wib lo tau kan ini jam 2.38 wib (haha sekali lagi di ulang biar makin tegang)

yah gue ngasi tau udah jam segini sih biar lo pada tau kalo ini udah malam! emm udah subuh! eh enggak deng uda pagi! eh oke whatever lah -__-" 

oke gini, gue sih tau ya followers di blog gue enggak sebanyak punya kak @radityadika , emm gak jugak sebanyak kak @benakribo , dan enggak juga sebanyak si om @poconggg (nyesek?! dia aja yang enggak punya tangan bisa eksis nah gue? preeeeet.. dalem hati belum saatnya han! okeh) emang sih enggak sebanyak mereka, tapi lebih banyak dari mereka!! okeh replay- tapi lebih banyak dari mereka!! sengaja di ulang biar didamprat tetangga sebelah ... tapi sejujurnya walaupun gue followers nya enggak sebanyak itu tapi gue tetap care kok sama kalian kalian semmuah muah muah :* 

tapi.. gue mau minta maaf akhir-akhir inikan gue uda jarang banget tuh nge posting di blog, yah maklumlah gue sibuk (beneran deh sumpah!) jadi gue SORRY SORRY SORRY banget sama lo gue end loh? (okeh garing) maksudnya sama lo lo pada!

ini beneran deh alesannya bukan karna laptop gue disita, bukan karna telpon belom dibayar, bukan karna modem aha gue enggak ada pulsa tai beneran deh gue enggak sempat! (oke jangan di ulang) 

sebernya sih ya pengen banget gue curi-curi waktu buat postingan pas lagi belajar disekolah (karnakan sekolah gue belajarnya pake laptop) tapi bukan karna gue enggak nekat ato enggak berani, gue merasa bersalah kalo enggak meratiin gurunya. maklumlah gue berpegang teguh pada pepatah "darah muda darahnya para remaja - ariestoteles" walaupun gue nggak tau apa hubungannya, ato apa dan siapa itu ariestoteles yang seinget gue adalah kucing tetangga yang sering banget nyurik ikan di rumah gue tapi gue akan selalu mengingat dan menghormati guru sayangi teman itulah tanda nya murid yang beriman teeerlaluh! -_-

jadi folowers gue yang biasanya berdedikasi tinggi (apaan deh-_-) tetap terus pantengin blog gue, karna ada waktu luang dikit gue bakal ngeblog! okeh sekian cusssss~

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Why does the Trace really exist?

I think there's something fishy to it. Because it's horribly unreliable and through that horribly unfair and useless.

Some theorize that magical children are born with the Trace but I don't think so because the books talk about it as something that is put on people, as in a charm. And in magic it should be possible to make a more specifically effective charm. Even the Magic Quill at Hogwarts lists the names of every magical inhdividual born. The Trace should be working the samw way but it isn't.

I've racked my brain with the Trace matters after I (in the Answers part of thsi club) brought up the question whether it remains active until the 17th birthday even if a minor drops out of Hogwarts years before he/she turns 17. (Because the Trace seems to be placed only on verified Hogwarts students to begin with (as Hermione received nno warnings though she studied spells before she began Hogwarts) and expulsion seems to be the worst thing they'll do if taking action seems needed. As in the Trace seems to very strongly relate to literally studying at Hogwarts, so I wondered if they'd remove it when a person chooses to drop out.)

But then I figured it really doesn't make much of a difference if it is or isn't, because 95% of minors can get away with magic even with the Trace on. To some extent, everyone can.

Because if I've understood corerectly...To the Ministry of Magic, the Trace can only detect:
1. that magic has been performed nearby an underage wizard or a witch
2. which charm/spell/curse was used
3. the location

But it does not detect who the underage wizard was. They can only try to figure it out by the location.

This leads into it being completely impossible for the MoM to blame a minor living with one or more magical adults, and thus (supposing the parents are not around or just dont' care) for the minor to perform any amount of magic at their own house without any consequences. But minors living with muggle adults are totally opposite case.

And a minor could walk into the area of said kind of minor and perform magic there, and this innocent minor would get the blame! (Much like what happened with Dobby the house-elf and Harry.)

And a minor could throw charms, even in the presence of a muggle, in any location that has numerous underage wizards living there, and then just flee from the crime scene before someone from the Ministry gets there to try and identify who it was. The Ministry would have hard time finding out who of the numerous minors living on the area, is guilty, if any as it mightr as well have been an adult in the company of a minor. And even if it was the unknown minor around whom the magic happened, they could've used someone else's wand and thus if the Ministry actually took time to go through all the houses with a minor living in, they'd never find out who it was or might end up accusing the wrong person.

And seeing to the fact that totally muggle-free areas are rare, it is likely there usually do live more than one underage wizard or a witch on one muggle-habited area. Which again deeply affects the chances of the finger being pointed at the right minor, if the magic happened outdoors.

They obviously rely much on the parents enforcing the rules on their children for the sake of the secrecy and the child's safety. But if the Ministry really wanted to give their two cents to the cuase...Why did they make the Trace so gawddamn vague instead of making it detect the sourcerer's indetity? That way the effect would be maximum and it would be catching equally everyone. The way the Trace is, doesn't offer any real help whatsoever but on the contrary it picks on those and only those children with less pure blood and/or not so fortunate home location. And even if it did offer a little help, it's minus aspects are far more numerous/significant.

Thus, to me it seems that with the Trace, the Ministry does not have the childrens' best interest in mind, nor do they care about the secrecy that much.

It seems to have a touch of attitude problem towards muggle-borns and favorism of purebloods and half-bloods. And also of a lust for power, (hence the 'we can accuse, warn and punish children based on our vague assumptions, and you have to live with it because there's no hihgher law to our society than us. Har-har-har!')

The law forbidding underage sourcery in presence of a muggle is of course all good and well and certainly out of right and respectable motives. But "the Trace" that supposedly enforces that law, really seems to be ill-motived and completely useless to far extent.

Do you think I'm on to something here, or that this is just Rowling's failure to pull together one aspect of her fictional world - or am I missing something crucial?
Title: Breathtaking Beauty

Author: FragrantPowders

Beta: None, but I don't think there are many mistakes in this piece.

Pairing: Pansy/Luna

Rating: M/R

Warnings: Suffocation, Character death

Disclaimer: I own nothing. JK Rowling owns it all. I make no profit. Don't sue.

Author's Notes: Poem written for my dearest friend K. Written deliberately without any use of capitals, so please don't comment on it to tell me, I amalready aware if it (but you are more than welcome to tell me if it works for you or not). Dark themes, dark times. Darkness ahoy.

Breathtaking Beauty

the shadows dance their nightly dances

darkness blending easily with white

and grey is all that matters

in these times of war

neutral and colourless are safe

because both red and green kill

pansy can feel the moon goddess so close

blinking down to her through dirty windows

but the familiar silver light

does not lull her to sleep

voices still reach her through the door,

the border of their new war-divided reality

the door which has been closed for seven days

they have not really eaten

neither have they drunk

anything but a few dewdrops from the dripping taps

they have not slept

the screams of the children outside of this bathroom

– their sanctuary, keeping them hidden from death –

haunting them in their sleep, in their dreams

maybe it is just a nightmare, luna said once

on the first day where god created the night

maybe it is even just a dream

luna never stopped dreaming

she seems to be living in a daze

her mumbling is nothing but broken sentences

fairy tales which should be told to the morning sun

not now, like this to faces grimy and grave

from a life among the dying

the death eaters have taken over the school (the world)

pansy can hear their footsteps

echoing throughout the hallways

their curses hit the door

more than once during the day

(is it daylight, she is not sure how

light is supposed to look anymore)

and at night the cries of the people not yet dead

or gone or choking

on mourning pleas

rise above the silence

like a phoenix from ashes

(these ashes will never again

be a shining new world

that chance is lost

in the blood of the mice

luna hunted down and tried to eat

- she is so hungry)

however, this one night will be different

pansy is sure of it as someone knocks on the door

she thought they had been abandoned

or maybe they had chosen to live

in asylum among the empty stalls

and the whispers of the long gone ghosts

i know you are in there, says the voice

and pansy knows that voice by heart

luna starts babbling again

of forests made of diamond

fairies drinking flower wine

unicorns afraid of those who have seen death

thestrals eating whatever is left on the battle field

panic surges through her

and pansy forgets her starving stomach

she forgets her dry throat and hoarse voice

draco is here though he is supposed to be dead

draco is here though he is supposed to be gone

she holds her tongue

silence is golden

silence is golden

but luna refuses to be quiet

refuses to fall silent in front of danger

she unthinkingly speaks her delirious mind

her crazy, crazy mind with all her weird fantasies

no, pansy never believed in angels

draco is the devil in disguise

no angelic features can change that

so she presses both her hands over luna's mouth

be quiet, be silent or you shall never speak again

luna's eyes are huge full moons in the shadows

her gaze not focused though directed at pansy

but it does not stop her talking

pansy's hands cannot silence her

scattered dreams

broken world

in black and white

pansy hushes her up

like she would her neverborn child

crying from hunger and madness

bathed in blood

bathed in sadness

draco whispers to her

through the door to her nest

speaks words of comforting lies

that he will be her saviour and make sure

she endures no harm, give her the freeing mask to wear

draco has a snake's split tongue

painting dreams on the canvas of her heart

she wants to awake luna from her dreamland

caused by starvation and stale water

(would death let her stay there forever

does pansy even have the right to take that away)

shut up, little girl, she hisses

shut up if you wish to live

luna does not

if it is deliberate

pansy does not know

maybe she does not want

to live in a never ending nightmare

when she could be dead in an everlasting dream

so pansy tucks her blouse over her head clumsily

with hands for days unused

the silk is soft, safe and sound

like her mother's bosom

she presses it against luna's face

muffling her rambling of wonder worlds

for her own sake

so draco will not hear her

and break in to take that dream away

that beautiful imaginary picture

that does not exist

but should


luna twists slightly

a child disturbed in sleep

her hands grasp at pansy's shoulders

for support and for comfort and for dear life

her legs kick and it reminds pansy of the unicorn foal

her father bought her when she was a princess

their family estate her castle

that foal kicked in its sleep

when it had pleasant dreams

it is running over the prairies

said her mother when she told pansy

not to wake it up

let it dream

luna must be dreaming too

but she has to dream in silence

so pansy waits for the kicking to stop

for luna to float peacefully down the black river styx

running through the valleys of (not death but) dreams

soon she is still

and silent


now pansy's own breathing

is the only thing that can tell on them

so she holds it, she stills it

for a minute


draco has stopped calling her

he has left her alone in the dark

she lets the shirt drop to the ground

the last leaf falling from a naked branch

and she shivers from the cold

winter grey, winter dead

uncaring of how the shadows will watch her

naked breasts the only thing shielding her heart

she takes a deep breath, looking into luna's wide open eyes

searching for promises of a slumber world and traces of dreamlike freedom

she sees nothing

the last lights are gone

breathe, she mumbles to herself

and to luna who will not wake up

breathe, just breathe, just breathe


but luna's chest does not rise

nor does it fall

luna's dreams do not end

nor do they include pansy any longer

pansy does not understand

she just wanted luna to be quiet

to stop talking about a world that would never come

when the enemy was right outside and could easily take even the fragile hope away

she looks out the window again

realising the moon is gone

hidden behind clouds


she wonders if the world

is any better on the other side of the mist

if the sky really is clear blue on the other side

of the threatening, dark and suffocating clouds

pansy touches luna (who is only asleep

caught in a dream that will last eternally) hesitantly

she is still warm like one who has slept under thick covers

pansy clings to the non responsive body

hugging it close to her chest

envying its warmth

she is so cold

the door opens then

and pansy welcomes what

she thinks is the angel of death

clad in his dark robes and skeleton mask

instead she faces

the angel of mercy

a flash of pure heated red

and brown coals in the eyes of a girl

she recognises the woman

from a picture in her mind (a snapshot

of a life that once was) but back then she was

nothing but a baby just like the rest of them

it takes a war to grow up

grow old and


the brown eyes survey the bathroom

the air sour, the people dead

and she screams hoarsely

like god would scream


pansy does not hear the words

(not because they matter) but the bright

green light mesmerizes her like a shooting star

and when she falls

she falls into that wonderland

floating down the invisible river styx

running through the valley of dreamy death

and luna is right there beside her


in the end green killed life

and red killed green

all that remains

is a colourless


bullbo bullbo bullbo lalalalala (PART3)

1. Siapa yang buat kamu seneng hari ini?
kakak osis yang senyumin aku tadi

2. Siapa yang pengen kamu marahin?
kucing tetangga

3. Siapa yang sedang kamu kangenin?
nonik, temen smp gue

4. Siapa orang yang ada di deket kamu?
egk ada ehm.. *nelen ludah.kalik aja da si @poconggg

5. Siapa orang yang sedang kamu benci?
someone who never text me back

6. Besok mau pergi sama siapa?
gak ada, besok gue sekola ampek sore

7. Pengen pergi sama siapa?

8. Punya pacar, siapa namanya?

9. Terakhir disms siapa?
gak ada

10. Terakhir telp2 siapa?
gak ada! err..

1. Dimana kamu dilahirkan?
rantau perapat di kamar om gue yaitu kamar kelapan yang ada dirumah nenek gue..

2. Dimana tempat kamu tinggal sekarang?

3. Sma dimana?

4. pertama kali di photo kapan?
enggak inget

5. Pertama kali punya pacar ketemu dimana?
ehm .. *keselek*ngeess*

6. Dimana kamu sekarang?
serong kanan meja belajar yang ada di kamar gue tepatnya kamar pertama dari ketiga kamar yang ada dirumah gue sekarang ini!*ribet daah

7. Terakhir kali handphone kamu ada dimana?
di punggung kursi

8. Dimana tangan kamu?
di atas keyboard


1. Apa nama panjang kamu?
hanifa rahmadhani sembiring pasesa montenegro casianos peres parENTES.. (pangilannya entes)

2. Apa makanan kesukaan kamu?
seuatu yang pake keju = mayonaise

3. Apa yang kamu ingini sekarang?
gak ada pr

4. Apa hal yang buat kamu seneng?
dapet duit

5. Apa hal yang buat kamu sedih?
gak famous kayak dulu lagi semenjak di sma ini

6. Apa yang sedang kamu pikirin sekarang?
gimana caranya biar gak ada pr

7. Apa yang lagi pengen kamu lakuin sekarang?
ngupil kearah barah entahlah apadah-_-

8. Apa yg kamu lakukan kalo pacar kamu nyebelin?

9. Apa yang kamu lakuin kalo tmen kamu ngomngn kamu?
rangkul dia, terus ngakak aja, biar dia merasa enggak enak

10. Apa merk parfum kamu?
belum sempet liat

1. Kapan kamu lahir?
29 januari 1997

2. Kapan terakhir jatuh cinta?

3. Kapan kamu terakhir ke kamar mandi?
barusan aje

4. Kapan kamu pergi ke sekolah?
tadi pagi

5. Kapan terakhir makan?
tadi siang

1. Kenapa kamu mau sekolah?
soalnya asik

2. Kenapa kamu nama-nya kyk gituh?
entah tanyak aja sama emak gue

3. Kenapa kamu suka ngisi bul-board?
biar gak sumpek, akhirnya malah tambah sumpek

4. Kenapa kamu mau jadi orang indonesia?
siapa bilang saya mau? ini mah karatakdir boss*kurangnya jiwa nasionalisme*

5. Kenapa kamu ga suka tetangga kmu?
eh kata sapa?

6. Kenapa kamu suka friendster?
ini pertanyaan kapan? ENAM TAHUN LALU?!

sumber :

Avada Kedavra For Dummies

This article will basically cover a few tips on how to cast the Killing Curse. It comes in very handy when muggles are being particularily noisy, specially after having been through the Cruciatus Curse. (both curses usually go hand in hand, unless you are in a hurry of course, then the Killing Curse is more efficient.)

Let's start with the three basic points: the Incantation, Power of Mind and Proper use of the Wand.

1) The Incantation
First of all and perhaps most important: THE SPELLING of the incantation. It is NOT "Aveda kabrada", "Abba Kabreda" or, as the muggles have utterly trashed this spell: "Abracadabra". It is "Avada Kedavra" and before going on further into this article, the first task you have to do is write the incantation 1500 times in a piece of parchment, repeating it out loud so you get the hang of its pronunciation (Ah-VAH-dah Keh-DAH-vrah.) Any mispronouncing of these words can lead to hilarious yet not fatal results, which is not what we're aiming for here.

2) Power of mind
Having magical abilities is not enough to be able to cast this curse. It requires, above all, Willpower, as well as Rapidness, Energy, Concentration, Knowledge and Strength (These 6 elements are most commonly known by the acronym WRECKS, not hard to recall since it is what muggles become after casting the spell on them.)

Willpower: This means that if you're uncertain about casting the spell on someone, then, most probably, your spell won't work. You need to be sure of what you are doing. If you don't feel confident enough, there is always the Imperius Curse, and you can cast it and make someone else do the job for you (although this particular spell represents different challenges.) You can also kindly ask one of your bolder fellow Death Eaters to cast it for you.

Rapidness: It implies that if you're not fast enough, someone else can cast the Killing Curse on you first and then you won't be the one who gets to point at them with your finger and laugh derisively.

Energy: The killing course is a spell that consumes a lot of your magical energy. It is recommended that you save the spell for special ocasions and don't go wasting your energy by casting the spell on less important beings like stray kittens or the fleas of your dog.

Concentration: You can have all the power of Lord Voldemort, Harry Potter and David Blaine together and yet if your mind is not focused on what you are doing, you will not be able to cast the spell. It is important to concentrate; look at the muggle in the eyes (be sure to add a smirk or a glare, whatever suits the situation) and CONCENTRATE. Think of what you really want to accomplish with this spell and hold on to that thought. Do not blink, do not hesitate, do not think of anything else until you have accomplished your task. Not until then can you proceed to think about going to the bar and brag with your fellow Death Eaters about the events of the day.

Knowledge: Yes, you have to know the story behind spell and how it was created so you can really get into it while casting it. Once you have learned how this spell came to be, it is easier to focus and concentrate while trying to perform this curse. If you haven't read about The Killing Curse, go to your local library and look for "Dark Spells and their Origins", and read it. Now.

Strength: Just as the spell requires a lot of magical energy, it also requires lots of physical strength. This doesn't mean you need to be brawny and bulky to cast it, but it has been known that people with delicate heart condition or other possible serious illnesses can't resist this spell too well. They usually end up following the muggle in their pathway to the ground, while still managing to point and laugh derisively, though the satisfying effect of these last two taunting methods is lost completely if the wizard dies. Thus, go to your local witch doctor and ask for an "Avada Kedavra Resistance Test". That should be able to let you know if you're fit for casting this spell. If not, well, there are still other curses you can perform that are less risky for your health, and still can inflict damage to the health of others.

3) Proper use of the wand The "Swish-and-Flick" technique is not applicable for this spell. The technique to be used here is the one denominated as "Point-Steady-or-Face-the-Consequences". The trick here is to hold the wand as steady as possible. One little shake of your wrist and the spell might hit the wrong target, since it comes out of the wand quite forcefully. There is a recorded case where a wizard hit the muggle that was selling fast food two streets away, rather than the one that was sitting in front of him.

Now, before you actually grab a wand and attempt all these useful tips, it is recommended that you practice your concentration techniques and specially to keep your hand STEADY. (Drop the excessive coffee drinking if you must.) To see how steady your hand is, we recommend the "Indicacion" spell. You can see if your hand is shaking by pointing your wand at a wall and casting the abovementioned spell. A small dot of light should appear in the wall.
As an advanced excersise, paint a dot in that wall and try to keep the dot of light from your wand right on top of the dot you drew.

Practice makes perfect. We recommend that you don't venture into trying anything with a muggle before proper practice, otherwise you'll end up making a fool of yourself and the muggle will just walk away thinking that you are under the influence of a psychotropic susbtance.

Good luck!

Lord Voldemort will Provide.