Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

It's Voldy *Rebbecca Black's Friday HP style*ROTFLMAO

7am waking up at Hogwarts

Gotta grab my wand gotta get to class

Gotta cast some spells gotta cast lumous

Casting every spell, my wand is glowing

Spell after Spell, everybody’s castin’

Gotta practice my spells

Gotta fight Voldemort

Oh look it’s hi-im

Killing little muggles

Making some horcrux

Gotta make my mind up

Which spell should I cast

It’s Voldy Voldy

Gotta go face Voldy

Everyone’s looking out for the battle battle

Voldy Voldy

Dueling with Voldy

Everybody’s preparing for the battle

Crucio crucio no

Crucio crucio no

Pain pain pain pain

Looking forward to Voldy’s defeat

7:45 we’re riding on a hippogriff

Flying to high I want time to fly

Sirius Sirius think about Sirius

He’s my godfather

I got this Ron’s got this

Hermione’s by my right

I got this Ron’s got this

Now Ron knows it

Killing little muggles

Making some horcrux

Gotta make my mind up

Which spell should I cast

It’s Voldy Voldy

Gotta go face Voldy

Everyone’s looking out for the battle battle

Voldy Voldy

Dueling with Voldy

Everybody’s preparing for the battle

Crucio crucio no

Crucio crucio no

Pain pain pain pain

Looking forward to Voldy’s defeat

Last year was my 6th year 6th year

This year i-is my 7th year 7th year

We we we destroyed a horcrux

We destroyed a horcrux

We gonna win this war today

Next Molly saves Ginny

Not my daughter you bitch comes afterwards

I don’t want Bella to die

H-P Harry Potter

So chillin’ in the burrow (in the burrow)

In the commen room (in the common room)

Im flyin, playin’ (quittage)

It’s the snitch catchin’ the snitch

Wit’ a Slytherin up on my side

Passin’ by is a dementor in front of me

Makes it harder it harder, wanna scream

Check to the sides, it’s a snitch, gotta catch

We gonna win c’mon c’mon y’all

It’s Voldy Voldy

Gotta go face Voldy

Everyone’s looking out for the battle battle

Voldy Voldy

Dueling with Voldy

Everybody’s preparing for the battle

Crucio crucio no

Crucio crucio no

Pain pain pain pain

Looking forward to Voldy’s defeat

Yup, thats my oh so beautiful song remake now you can all play your hate on me for ever creating something so crappy or you can title me the queen of song remakes... or you can have a nice in between. ;) Characters/themes = Rowling's Song = Rebbecca's yada yada yada. Any hoo enjoy the rest of your lives in which I Probably just wasted a bit.

Maybe after I post this blog, voldy will be in ma room and he'll "avada kedavra me" * LOL Priceless.

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