Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Help He's DEAD! (yes this is the same one as the on the sirius black page)

When i that he had died I cried so hard.

I started spinning, This had to be a joke Sirius can't be dead.The tears were running down my face almost like a mini river.I screamed and Bellatrix laughed. My voice didn't even sound like my own.

Harry ran and I screamed for him to stop. his face was red and full of hatred unlike his normal laughing face. Those green eyes were daggers. Was he going to lose control?

My heart went out to him but i wanted her dead to. So I sprinted after Harry to the enterance hall of the ministry. "I killed Sirius Black, Dead he is and I was the one who made this happen" screamed Bellatrix.My bloodlust reached uncontrollable heights."Die , aunt Bella Just DIE in a mother fuckin hall" I Screamed.

Bellatrix did a double take and I realised her power was my pain." Curcio" Harry Said.It knocked her down but barely." You have to mean it Potter" Said Bellatrix.She sent a spell that made me fly into a wall.Oh no you don't,I thought.

A voice said " Kill her, she deserves it get up and finish that scum off.

I walked over barely realising what I was doing and in that moment, I pushed Harry out the way, so he was no longer in this duel.He had done well but I had to do the honours.I held my wand high , and my aunt started whimpering... She knew what was going to happen.

"AVADA KADAVRA" I screamed, letting all the pain I had into those words.

She dived sideways and I lost control. No hesitation,no delay I shot curse after curse at her.Harry had also joined in.

The power of the two jinxes hitting her sounded like gunshot going of. The noise of her being slammed into a fire place echoed around the hall.

Then at that moment soo many things happened I almost lost track.

Voldemort appeared out of nowhere and immediatley Harry and I started dueling him."Like it hot scum" Yelled Bellatrix as she disappeared. The green flames engulfed her. " No" I yelled. She had just left to let her 'Master' do the work.

The duel ended as Dumbledore shoved me into a fireplace.The world spun and I screamed in fury...

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