Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

What It Means to Me

I've been a devoted Harry Potter fan since I was nine. At that time, I didn't read the books, but just focused on the movies, and they fascinated me greatly. I knew all the spells by heart, and I used to say the lines as I watched the movies again. I had random Harry Potter stuff written down on my school books, and I used to make a wooden wand and practice all the non-existent spells.

one day my mom friend, aunty nining forced me to read the books. It was the greatest thing I had ever done, and I thank her for it. He shoved the first book in my face and said, "Read it! The movies will be forgotten." At that time I was 10. Naturally, I read the first book and I was hooked. I read it all in one day, because I just couldn't set it down! I was obsessed, and the characters grew on me before I could say, "Wow."

Slowly, I started reading all the books. The second was better than the first, the third better than the second, the fourth better than the third and so on. By the time I was 11, I was waiting anxiously for the sixth book to come out. I used to sit down in front of the Internet and search for the Half-Blood Prince, wondering what JKR would do next. I was 11, but I was more into books than anything else. And my thanks goes out to JKR and her world of Harry Potter for that.

The sixth book came out and all the country went crazy! Children came to school with their copies, rushed their classwork and then started reading the book. I was among them. And I read, and I read, and I read and honestly, I never stopped. I was done quite soon.

 when I was 13, my mother gave me full of harry potter series. how lucky girl I am? for the first time I wanna scream "wow!" thats the best present that i've ever seen" oh god i wanna vomit ierghhhhh..  oh mom thanks thanks i love ya!

That's the story of how I started and finished Harry Potter, but what does it mean to me? Honestly, it made me the person I am right now and I'm not exaggerating.

The Philosopher's Stone:

I learned about what parents mean to me. It made me realize how much they play a role in your lives, yet we're never grateful and we should look towards the people who don't have parents and think, "Thank God we have them." I realized that if my parents weren't here with me, they would be the one thing I would desire the most- nothing else would matter, and it made me love them more. Way more.

I learnt about the true value of friends, of school, of trust and loyalty. I learnt about how there's always evil in the world, it's always around us, but we can overcome it if only we try. With the wisdom of Dumbledore, I realized that death is nothing to be scared of.

The Chamber of Secrets:

I learnt how friends help each other in their times of need, and how much it hurts when one of your closest friends gets hurt. I learnt how you CAN make a difference, and all you have to do is try your hardest. I learnt about how much siblings matter- how much family matters.

I learnt about how people get pulled into others' traps, but there's always a way out. I learnt about how wrong things become that other people get blamed for something they haven't done, but you have to trust in them.

The Prisoner of Azkaban

I learnt about overcoming my fears, and replacing them with joy and laughter. I learnt that things are not always what they seem, and we shouldn't blindly trust what others say. I learnt that sometimes, you have to take a stand for what's right. Give others a chance. Forgive others, and show mercy because even if they're evil, you don't have to be.

I learnt about second chances and courage.

The Goblet of Fire

Here, I learnt about how age doesn't always matter, and that you can overcome difficulties through your skill and knowledge. I learnt about new feelings such as love, tiny crushes, jealousy, and small fights. I learnt that even though friends fight, they make up and they're stronger than ever.

I learnt that even the most powerful, evil people have their fears, their weaknesses and that no one is void of fears. I've learnt that you can help others whether they be competition or not.

The Order of the Phoenix

Fight for what's right. Fight for the good of the whole world, and don't submit yourself to the bad things. How you can take a stand even in the darkest times, and how you can keep your friends close and they'll support you through it all. I've learnt about how much family means to you. This book made me stronger mentally.

The Half-Blood Prince

This book introduced a whole new side of Harry Potter to me. The normal side. The things that all teenagers go through: lust and love. I realized how friends can always become a little more. I was introduced to the way people use others to make their love interests jealous, and that prepared me for the outside world because that really IS what happens.

The Deathly Hallows

Where to start? Sometimes, sacrificing your life for the greater good of things isn't something you should hesitate in doing. Sometimes, you have to risk your lives to keep the most important things safe. Sometimes, you have to keep YOUR interests aside and go for the interests of the whole world.

Friends stick by you throughout it all. And those are true friends. I learnt to be loyal, brave and trustworthy. I learnt about loving my friends, my family. I learnt about compromise, giving up luxuries when it's important. I learnt about how merely three people can make a difference in the world.

I learnt about true love, and how sometimes, you never move on but you have to live, making your life worth it. Live for something good. I learnt about how even the purest of people make mistakes, and how that's only natural. I learnt about how badly it hurts when the person you love dies.

I learnt about family values, friendship, good versus evil, sacrifice, compromise, justice and so much other stuff.

I am the person I am because of Harry Potter, and to me, it's the best moral conduct out there. Better than any movie, better than any uplifting song, better than any speech. It's entertaining, and it teaches you so much. Hidden symbols, philosophies- everything included. This will go down in history. A classic. A legend.

A salute to J.K Rowling.

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