Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

Interview of Ronald Weasley (fake)

I: Who have you loved in your life?
R: Lavender Brown, Fleur Delacoure, Hermione Granger

I: Who is your best friend?
R: Harry, no duh!
I: What about Hermione?
R: She doesn't count! She's my wife!

I: How did you feel at first about Harry dating Ginny, your sister?
R: Ihad actually been trying to get them together for years! I was only mad because Hermione wasn't dating me at the time...

I: Which one of your kids do you like better?
R: I can't say?! I like all of them! Heugo does have good looks though... I wonder where he got them from? Hmmm? Hmmm?(flexes muscles, and smooths hair)

I: were you upset when the fake Hermione in the vision told you she was better of with "the Chosen One"?
R: Of course I was! She was my girlfriend!!

I: How long have you loved Hermione?
R: Since first year. I sort of gave up on her though, because i didn't think she would love me back...

I: If you had to either quit quittich or give up Hermione, which one would you choose?
R: Well, let's see, I think I'll go with losing Hermione!
R: I'm kidding! I'm kidding!

credits: fanpop! 
note   : I = interviewer R = ronald weasley

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