Minggu, 17 Juli 2011


So, im writing this article because im pissed off!

Do u guys know why? Its because I’ve seen many people in this club always asking the same question – the question that I hate to see,the question that I’ve answered so many times,the question that is unnecessary.

And it is called - “Why do most people hate ginny?”

And the same question keeps coming up again and again, like “why do most people not like ginny weasley”, “why do people hate ginny?”, “why……… and so on!

Now the thing that bothers me is not the question itself! But the purpose of the question! I don’t see any reason for that question to be asked once and it keeps coming up again and again.

And what happens if I try to answer it?

I explain the reasons over there and what do I get in return? The one who asked the question keeps pestering me. For example:

Once someone had suggested that they hate ginny weasley because”

1.she is a slut.

And what happened then? Lets keep A for the answerer and Q for the questioner, and L,G

As a few more fanpopers.


A: “because she is a slut.”

Q: “no she is not!”

A: “well making out in public is wrong and I think it makes her a slut.”

Q: “I don’t see anything wrong with it. Many people in my country do that.”

A: “it may not seem wrong to you, but it does for me.”

Q: “even if it is wrong,you cant call her like that.”

L: “I agree with ‘A’. ginny weasley is a slut.”

G: “no she is not! No one has the right to call her that!”

Q: “yeah! Many people make out in public, if you call all of them sluts……

A: “so what are you asking me to do? I say she is a slut and im not taking it back! Stop trying to convince me!”

Q: “ im not persuading you! Im just saying she is not a slut and you cant call her that!”

A: “it seems pretty much like persuading to me. What is the point of the question, if you are not letting us answer? “

Q: “ no its not like that! I want to hear your opinions and im stating mine back. I don’t want anyone to change anything!”

A: “ok!”


So basically what is the point of the question? They want to know the reason why we hate ginny weasley! And when we give them that, they start arguing.at one point of time when we tell them we wont change our opinion, they suddenly tell ‘im not trying to change your opinion’. Then why do they bother to ask the question in the first place?

What do they get from this? They are not going to take our reasons and we are clearly not going to take theirs too.

I think the whole idea of “why do you hate… xxx” is ridiculous!

Im not telling don’t ever ask questions like that, but when you do ask them, then give the answerer the freedom of expressing their belief. Give them some level of respect!

When this type of questions give scope for people to debate over their beliefs, it is on one side waste of time too! Cause when someone answers your question, you contradict them – im not saying its wrong, but most times its plainly annoying!

There are people who like ginny, people who simly love her, people who don’t bother about her, people who hate her to the core. Different people have different tastes. You cannot go persuade a strawberry ice-cream hater to eat strawberry ice-cream, just because its your favourite flavour and no one can force you to eat what you don’t like either. The same goes with these questions too.

People say “I cant see why they hate her! She is simply cool”. And I cant see why everyone should like her either! People most be practical, and should not expect things to happen beyond reality. Just because ginny weasley is their favourite – doesn’t mean she should be everyone’s darling!

Some hate bellatrix. Some love bellatrix. Some cheer molly up for killing her. Some curse her to the pit of hades. No one can tell them – “you should not hate bellatrix”
Or “you should not like molly”. I think I have made my point clear!

So I hope this article is registered in the minds of people who are planning to ask such questions. So next time when you guys ask questions like that, don’t go over board trying to persuade the answerer to think in lines with you. Because eeveryone have their own personal opinion and the right to express it! You can express yours too, but everything should have a limit!

I'm a Deatheater and I always will be ;)

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