Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley: You and I (poem)

If only we could be together,
You and I,
But our parents would never allow it,
You and I,
Our hearts are broken,
Yours and mine,
I weep for you,
My dear Rose,
Tears run down my face,
Like water flows.
I love the way your wand made flowers,
Made me feel like I had super powers.
I love your spirit,
Fierce but charming,
Complimenting and healing mine,
Which is hurtfull and harming.
My dad's a butt,
My mum is too,
But YOU made my heart soar,
When I was with YOU.
Your the best witch ever,
Inherrited your mum's brains,
Your hair is fiery,
Like a bright pretty flame.
If only we could be together,
You and I,
Forever together,
You and I

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