Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

So the Twilight fan came up and said..

I found this online. It's a real conversation a bookstore employee apparently had with a Twilight fan. It didn't happen to me. I found it funny, thought you guys might too.

(A customer in her late teens approaches me in the bookstore.)

Customer: “Hey, do you guys sell the Twilight books?”
bookstore keeper: “Yes, they’re right over there.”
Customer: “Have you read them?”
bookstore keeper: “Yes, I have.”
Customer: “Didn’t you just LOVE them?!”
bookstore keeper: “Well, actually, they aren’t really my type of book, so–”
Customer: *suddenly furious* “Are you f***ing serious?! These are the best books ever written! I’m going to tell Edward to come and bite you and drink all your blood!”
bookstore keeper: *backing away* “Have a nice day, ma’am…”

haha i found it at fanpop, its funny. but thats offend me. i do, i like the girl. thought that edward is real and I also thought that bellatrix is real. it's normally for a girl like me and her yeah!

oh GOD They DO know Edward isn't real, right? God it just PISSES me off when a twihard says that! Like yeah, EDWARD is gonna come and suck my blood. HE'S A FUCKING CHARACTER! DEAL WITH IT!! It's not like i go around saying "I'm going to tell Bellatrix to come crucio and Avada Kedavra you!" Like no dude, shut up!

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