Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Conspiracy Theories: My explanation as to why Scabior is not really dead

So we all saw that awful Bridge-Collapse scene in DH Part 2, right? *shakes head* Pathetic, I know. Well anyways, after lots of careful deliberation and hours of theorizing (okay, more like five minutes), I've come up with a clear list as to why our favorite snatcher is not really dead. Enjoy!

How Scabior could have easily saved himself

1. He had his wand on him, right? If he didn't, then he must be a real idiot...who would go to a battle without their wand on them, right? He must have had it.
He could have possibly slowed his fall with a Wingardium Leviosa, stopped himself from falling with Arresto Momentum, used a cushioning charm, or even used a summoning charm to summon a parachute, or even a mattress to land on, if he so desired.

2. He wasn't the only falling snatcher, right? Though this is a slightly disgusting idea, he possibly could have saved himself by landing on the bodies of people who had fallen before/faster than him. A bit of an awkward landing, but it could have worked if he was too lazy to pull out his wand and use a spell.

3. The entire bridge didn't fall, right? Odds are, at least part of it remained standing, as Neville clearly showed when he grabbed onto part of the bridge to save himself.
This one is a bit of a stretch, but if there was any sort of bridge mechanism still standing, he could have grabbed onto it. (And of course we'll completely forget about the possibility of the momentum and force potentially yanking his arms out of their sockets if he had done this after falling for long enough).

4. He could have miraculously learned to fly. Faced with imminent death, he kicked into survival reflexes and learned how to fly like Voldemort. Okay, this one is a pretty big stretch, :P

Convinced yet? Keep that hope! SCABIOR LIVES!

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